Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hide and Seek

The quickest way to get me not to trust you is to hide shit. It doesn't have to be life-or-death shit, either. If you're not 100%, up-front and honest with me, I consider you a liar. I hate liars.

This is pretty much THE reason I don't talk to my family...ever. There are so many "secrets" in that fold that I don't even know who's telling the truth anymore. I just stay out of it. If someone really needs me, they can call and I'll be there, but I don't go visiting just to say hi. Nope.

Which leads back to why I can't stand the holiday season. Everybody is all smiles and fake niceties for two or three days a year, then it's right back to lies, back-stabbing and bitchiness. Yeah...I'm kinda good with all that. I much prefer to sit at home with my cats and watch TV than deal with my family.

Back to liars. It seems that I have a tendency to surround myself with them. Every man I fall for is a liar. Every one of them. Some are just embellishers of the truth, others flat-out lie to my face. (Ironically, I prefer the ones who lie to my face. At least they have balls.)

When a woman asks a man if he's single, and he's not, his response should be "No." Right? That's the truth. The fact that D lies about being single to these online bitches pisses me off. I get it. It's nice to flirt, every now and then, but when you tell a woman you're single, you set expectations that the flirting might lead to more. It's unbelievable how many women he tells that to, too. Jesus.

He told me the same thing, which makes me wonder how many girls he was stringing along before he moved in, here...and how many he still has on the hook, honestly. When I met him, online, I asked him if he'd had any luck with meeting anyone, yet. His response: "Not a single date." I thought to myself that it sucked and offered to have him come down so we could meet. Who else has done that? How many women have offered to meet him because of that tired old line?

Now, we could be optimistic here and say, "Well, he's living with me, so what does it matter?" It matters. If he's not telling other women that he's got a girlfriend...that he's LIVING with his girlfriend...then he's looking for something else. He's either a pathological cheater, or he wants a "Safety Net". He's the kind of man who has to have someone. He's hasn't been single for more than 6-months, since he was 15! ....15! That's 17 years of measuring his self-worth by whether or not he's single.

That's a little too much baggage, I think. Even for me.

The question is, what do I do now?

Every instinct in my body is telling me to leave.

My heart is telling me otherwise.

I have this distinct feeling that as soon as his truck is out of the shop, he'll be gone, anyway. I honestly think the only reason he's sticking around is because he has no other way to get around, at the moment, other than my sister's truck...

We'll see...

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