Monday, June 20, 2011

2 Days and Counting...

The nerves are settling in... In just over a two days, we are heading out on our road-trip to St Louis to meet the Boondock Saints and other very cool people. I am excited and nervous all at once! I can't wait to get there, but I'm worried that my agoraphobia is going to keep me in the hotel room once I see how many people are going to be there...MEEP! I've been pretty good, recently. Not one panic attack in the last 2 years (claps hands) but I have also avoided overly-crowded places, so...yeah... Getting a little scared.

Ai yai yai

Just a quick little rant:

Patrick, you are a jerk. You talk shit about everybody behind everybody's back. Don't you know by now that we are all in the same group of friends? Haven't you learned that everything you say will eventually be relayed back to the target of your shit-talking?

You're back in jail, now. Big surprise there. Whoever took over your phone seems to think that you hate me, that I'm a "fat, nasty cow" who "fucks everything in sight" and that you "can't stand" my "nasty ass." (Quoting from the texts he/she/it sent me.) Interesting. The last time you talked to me, you said: "You'll always be my girl; I'll always love you, no matter what..." Hmmm...

Now, ordinarily, I would over-analyze and try to get to the bottom of all this, but I put up with your lies and empty promises for 7 years. I don't have to dwell on a damn thing anymore, and I don't plan to. So, here it is: Goodbye! My final goodbye. If I see you on the street, I'm going to pretend I don't know you. I will not answer your texts. Don't bother calling me, I won't answer. Good luck in your life; I hope it treats you better than you treat the people around you.

End rant! :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

To the point...

OK. A lot of my followers/friends have noticed the drama going on around here. Some have decided, "Hey. That's not my business..." (To you: I say, "I love you! I wish there were more like you!" Others, however, have decided to jump in the middle of it. You suck, and I've got a special message for you: "PISS OFF! THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU! GET YOUR NOSE OUT OF IT!" Thank you.

A cat fight recently broke out on Twitter. *facepalm* Really? Oh, yes...really! And it gets juicier and juicier as the days go by. It started a week ago (I could be wrong on the dates; I've given up keeping track at this point) with name-calling, then an unnamed celebrity was dragged into it (for no reason, at all...that celebrity has *nothing* to do with this. At. All. K?), then more and more people started attacking each other...and it hasn't stopped. What should have been a, "HEY! WTF?! Why did you say that?" Turned into a knock-down, drag-out, let's-get-everybody-I-know-on-my-side-even-though-this-is-partially-my-fault-too, WORLD WAR FUCKING THREE! Again with the *facepalm*!

This is my note to everybody involved: I don't care. No, really. I don't give a flying fuck, anymore. If you want to drag this out and drag more and more people into it...go for bad, do your thing, but leave me alone! I'm done. As a matter of fact, I've *been* done, but people just don't seem to get it! Your feelings got hurt. So did mine. So did a few others. But, guess what? I'm over it. "Get over it or die pissed off." I chose to get over it. You know what helped me make that decision? Here goes, the big secret to how I can get over things so much quicker than's....THE INTERNET! I use it for entertainment, and when something is no longer entertaining, I quit it...Simple philosophy, I think... So, in closing, I leave you with the following Facebook status:

"In light of recent bullshit, I have decided to say "FUCK OFF!" to the Internet. This shit has gone too far, already, and I will no longer subject myself to middle school rumors and drama. Last I checked, we were all adults, so if you've got a problem with me, or my friends, bring it to our faces. The catty, passive-aggressive attitude will no longer be tolerated, or acknowledged. If you come up to me with "Well, he/she said..." I will unfriend/unfollow you, block you and forget I ever met you. I don't need you in my life to be happy. I CHOOSE to have you in it, and I can CHOOSE to send you packing."

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

In the trenches

I've been out of commission for a few...years, it feels like, so I'm going to take the time to catch you up on all the insignificance that is my life. Yeah, it's important to me, but may not be to you...I guess I'll let you be the judge. *shrug*

First on the list of importance (I'm not going chronologically, here, FYI) is the fact that I've sworn off men this year. I'm done with the over-bearing assholes who build me up just to destroy me later on. I'm done with the constant questions. I'm done with not being able to make my own decisions, without having to answer to some guy who is, most-likely, only in it for the sex, in the first place. I dealt with a controlling, condescending man for nearly 6 years. I'd leave him, but I always went back, because I was "lonely." Fucking pathetic! He, and others, screwed me over so bad, that I am now a jaded, paranoid mess of a woman. They, however, seem just fine, and take no responsibility for my heartache. It's ridiculous, the kind of pleasure they must get from my pain. Well, hell. No, I can't put it all on them, either. I am, at best, hard to live with; at worst, easy to please. Don't worry, it messes with their heads, too.

You see, from my experience, men have been trained on the ways to handle women for their entire lives, whether through observation, or their own experiences. Then, I come along and blow every preconceived notion they have right out of the water. I don't like the lovey-dovey, mushy crap that most girls fall for. If you profess your love for me the first month (hell, the first six months) that we're together, I'm going to run for the hills, screaming. I don't want to live with you, probably ever. I like my own space. I'm not a recluse, by any definition of the word, but I don't like everybody "all up in my business," either. I like the convenience and ease of a "friend with benefits" type scenario. Don't get me wrong, here, folks. I enjoy affection. I enjoy the idea of a relationship. I'm just not very good at it, it seems.

Or, rather, I'm not good at everybody else's definition of a relationship. I'd be the perfect girl for somebody who travels a lot, actually. Most women want their men close-by so they can keep tabs on them; make sure they aren't cheating, or being otherwise deceitful. I don't. I give everything I have to my men. Every ounce of emotion, good or bad, is thrown at them every minute I am with them. It's draining after a while and I need time to be alone, and recharge. I've screwed up relationships in the past because I wasn't getting that recharge time at home. I was able to find it somewhere else, and we all know how that turns out.

I'm not perfect. I don't claim to be. In fact, I'll be the first to point out my flaws; all you have to do is ask the right question. I don't fit in any category, that I'm aware of, anyway. I'm a girlie-tomboy, a self-righteous, self-less, caring, cold-hearted, give-until-I-have-nothing-left, woman. Damn if that doesn't irritate everybody! (Also, I cuss like a sailor and love like a princess.)

That being said, men, as a whole, don't understand how to handle me. I'm thick-skinned, but sensitive; serious, but light-hearted. I'm a fucking paradox within a mystery, within a god-damned bubble. I don't understand me, sometimes, so I get why they are so confused. They probably think I have "daddy issues" and need somebody to take care of me. Wrong! As a matter of fact, that's the exact line that will have me fit-to-be-tied: "I want to take care of you." Fuck you! I've done just fine on my own, so far, I don't need you, so back off that idea, right now. See what I mean? I get riled-up just thinking about somebody telling me that. *calm breath* Now, where was I? Oh, yes, that's right: men and my aversion to relationships.

Let's step off of that for just a minute so I can try to explain myself better, because I'm sure I've been jumping all over the place, and you're probably at least a tiny bit confused. I am serious when I say that I put everything I have into a relationship. I don't believe in fate. I believe that it takes a lot of effort for that fairy-tale romance to blossom, and I'm not about to miss out on that, just because I was too guarded, or because I didn't do everything in my power to make it work.

I've been broken, many times, because of that philosophy, but it hasn't changed the way I am. It's only changed how I choose the men worthy enough of my time. Damn, that sounded conceited in my head, and even more-so when I typed it out. I don't believe that any person, man or woman, should sell themselves short. Ever. You get what you think you deserve, so if you accept whatever that comes along, because it's convenient, you'll get burned. I know what I want in a man. I will also know, within the first two weeks, whether or not the man I'm with will be able to provide that. I don't lead people on, and I don't hold back.

Any clearer? No? Yeah...that's OK. You aren't the only one. I've been asked if I'm bi-polar. Nope. Just thick-headed, like my mother. I like things a certain way, and when somebody comes into my life and tries to change the way I have things, I tend to get defensive. My friends love me, and my enemies loathe can't please everybody, right?

And on that note, you find the reason I've decided to give up men for a year. I'm tired of even trying to please everybody. It's my turn to be pleased, dammit!

But, guys, if you're in the market for a an independent, slightly selfish, kill-em-with-kindness kind of woman, who can cook like you've never dreamed...look no further! I'll be taking applications all year... Haha!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Delicious Pain

I have to get this written down somewhere before the memory fades. This is the *actual* dialogue from my visit to the ER last night. This couldn't have been any better if it had been scripted. Here goes:

*Backstory: Went to the Er at one hospital...waited 2 hours. Said screw it, and went to another one in my hometown, because it's never busy @ 3am. Got sent straight know the drill, right? They check vitals, get a pee sample, etc, etc., ask you if you need anything for the pain, in which my response is "PLEASE! Just not Vicodin. That crap makes me itchy." Then a nurse comes in with a vial and a needle in hand...*

Me: But, I don't like needles (whiny voice, very key to the story)

Nurse: (her name was Saint, btw. too cool.) Then I guess you'll just have to be in pain. (With a smile on her face, in a joking tone.)

Me: Alright, fine. (insert dramatic sigh) I'll take the needle. (looks to Crystal) She drives a hard bargain. (we all chuckle)

(The nurse then explains that the shot is one that goes "in the derriere" because it "has some bite to it" and needs to be injected into a large muscle...and I whine, again. I turn over and she jabs, and I mean baseball swings that bitch, into my right cheek. [note: I *may* be exaggerating for effect. lol] Of course, it hurts and I jump.)

Nurse: Don't move! I'll just have to do it twice, then! (I can hear the playful sarcasm, and at that moment decide, "I like her.")

Me: *scoff* Well, I'm sorry, but when something pokes me in the butt, I tend to want to get out of the way!

(short moment of silence)

Nurse: That's a good idea. (laughs) If you rub it, the muscle will absorb the medicine quicker.

(another pregnant pause, in which I am just *waiting* for Crystal to say something sarcastic.)

Crystal: You want me to come over there and rub your butt. (And there it is! lol)

Nurse to Crystal: If you guys are just friends, you're an aweful good one! (She laughs and walks out of the room)

Yeah, so. There ya have it! I will be playing this dialogue over and over again in my head for a *long* time. We laughed for 20 minutes in the hospital...we laughed about it one the way to breakfast, and we laughed about it during the meal. It was EPIC! XD

Moral of the story? Every time Crystal and I are together, it's nothing if not memorable. LOL!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Morning After

My best friend and I are...spontaneous. We could also be referred to as poor planners, but "spontaneous" sounds better. :P When we go out, we never really know where we're going to end up. Sometimes we go to the bar, others we just drive around looking for trouble. It's much more fun when you are with us, believe me.

Lately, much to the relief of our livers, I'm sure, we've just been driving around, causing trouble in our old hometown. It's small, the cops are *very* bored, so trouble is easy to find. My April 5th court date proves that theory quite well. Don't worry, it's really nothing serious, just a minor traffic thing that will be wiped from my record on that day.

Our last big adventure was a 1AM decision to go to Albuquerque...6 hours away. It sounded like a great idea, until we got there and realized we had a six hour drive back home, and neither of us had slept for nearly 24 hours. (See, poor planning.)

We've also driven all the way up to Cheyenne; a slightly shorter drive than Albuquerque, but still, it emphasizes the spontaneous nature of our times out together. We did manage to find a great little bar called Goofy's, there though. Older, more relaxed crowd; wicked cool. We had a drink, played some pool and drove back to CO. Once again: FUN!

Our next big adventure is a trip to St. Louis. This one is well-planned, though. The only issue we are going to have is convincing me not to spend my tax return on frivolous things, so we can actually get there. The hotel is booked, and the VIP passes are paid for. Both are non-refundable, so I have to learn some discipline, and quick, so we can get the rental car, and pay for food, gas and random merchandise while there.

Problem is, we're poor planners. Neither of us is real capable of looking too terribly far into the future and I, for one, am terrible at following through with plans.

Wish me luck.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Love and War

Apparently, I have an affinity for writing about love, relationships and men. I've come to the realization that this may make me sound a little...desperate, perhaps, or at the very least, "boy crazy," maybe? In turn, this realization has made me a bit uncomfortable because, well, I'm not.

In light of this recent epiphany, I am going to try my best to steer-clear of those topics for at least one post. Here goes:



Oh!... No, that's the same thing...


Oh! I got it!

Twitter is my new obsession. I have been converted over from the Facebook craze, to a world which requires you to be creative. Seriously. You only get 140 characters to express your thoughts. It's tough, but all that texting short-hand is coming in handy, for once.

I started "tweeting" about a year ago, maybe more, but wasn't really into it. It didn't make sense to me, but now that I have immersed myself into the cult, it's just plain awesome! I have developed an online family that rivals my own blood relation. There's no back-stabbing. Nobody is playing you against somebody else to get what they want. There's no sugar-coating, either. These girls tell it like it is, whether you like it or not. I love it.

I am hoping that Twitter stays low-profile like it is, now. I hate to even think about what will happen to it if it falls into the same category of fame as MySpace (anybody remember that one, or am I it? lol) and Facebook. Tragedy strikes when sites get too big. Hopefully, it'll stay a "cult" hit, so we can continue our craziness in relative peace and quiet. *crosses fingers*

If you're already a twitter-er...or, um, tweeter...errr...twat? (*snicker* Thanks to Brooke for that one!) look me up. Have a good one, folks!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

All is fair...

I've been out of commission for a few...years, it feels like, so I'm going to take the time to catch you up on all the insignificance that is my life. Yeah, it's important to me, but may not be to you...I guess I'll let you be the judge. *shrug*

First on the list of importance (I'm not going chronologically, here, FYI) is the fact that I've sworn off men this year. I'm done with the over-bearing assholes who build me up just to destroy me later on. I'm done with the constant questions. I'm done with not being able to make my own decisions, without having to answer to some guy who is, most-likely, only in it for the sex, in the first place. I dealt with a controlling, condescending man for nearly 6 years. I'd leave him, but I always went back, because I was "lonely." Fucking pathetic! He, and others, screwed me over so bad, that I am now a jaded, paranoid mess of a woman. They, however, seem just fine, and take no responsibility for my heartache. It's ridiculous, the kind of pleasure they must get from my pain. Well, hell. No, I can't put it all on them, either. I am, at best, hard to live with; at worst, easy to please. Don't worry, it messes with their heads, too.

You see, from my experience, men have been trained on the ways to handle women for their entire lives, whether through observation, or their own experiences. Then, I come along and blow every preconceived notion they have right out of the water. I don't like the lovey-dovey, mushy crap that most girls fall for. If you profess your love for me the first month (hell, the first six months) that we're together, I'm going to run for the hills, screaming. I don't want to live with you, probably ever. I like my own space. I'm not a recluse, by any definition of the word, but I don't like everybody "all up in my business," either. I like the convenience and ease of a "friend with benefits" type scenario. Don't get me wrong, here, folks. I enjoy affection. I enjoy the idea of a relationship. I'm just not very good at it, it seems.

Or, rather, I'm not good at everybody else's definition of a relationship. I'd be the perfect girl for somebody who travels a lot, actually. Most women want their men close-by so they can keep tabs on them; make sure they aren't cheating, or being otherwise deceitful. I don't. I give everything I have to my men. Every ounce of emotion, good or bad, is thrown at them every minute I am with them. It's draining after a while and I need time to be alone, and recharge. I've screwed up relationships in the past because I wasn't getting that recharge time at home. I was able to find it somewhere else, and we all know how that turns out.

I'm not perfect. I don't claim to be. In fact, I'll be the first to point out my flaws; all you have to do is ask the right question. I don't fit in any category, that I'm aware of, anyway. I'm a girlie-tomboy, a self-righteous, self-less, caring, cold-hearted, give-until-I-have-nothing-left, woman. Damn if that doesn't irritate everybody! (Also, I cuss like a sailor and strut in 4-inch high heels.)

That being said, men, as a whole, don't understand how to handle me. I'm thick-skinned, but sensitive; serious, but light-hearted. I'm a fucking paradox within a mystery, within a god-damned bubble. I don't understand me, sometimes, so I get why they are so confused. They probably think I have "daddy issues" and need somebody to take care of me. Wrong! As a matter of fact, that's the exact line that will have me fit-to-be-tied: "I want to take care of you." Fuck you! I've done just fine on my own, so far, I don't need you, so back off that idea, right now. See what I mean? I get riled-up just thinking about somebody telling me that. *calm breath* Now, where was I? Oh, yes, that's right: men and my aversion to relationships.

Let's step off of that for just a minute so I can try to explain myself better, because I'm sure I've been jumping all over the place, and you're probably at least a tiny bit confused. I am serious when I say that I put everything I have into a relationship. I don't believe in fate. I believe that it takes a lot of effort for that fairy-tale romance to blossom, and I'm not about to miss out on that, just because I was too guarded, or because I didn't do everything in my power to make it work.

I've been broken because of that philosophy, but it hasn't changed the way I am. It's only changed how I choose the men worthy enough of my time. (Damn, that sounded conceited in my head, and even more-so when I typed it out.) I don't believe that any person, man or woman, should sell themselves short. Ever. You get what you think you deserve, so if you accept whatever that comes along, because it's convenient, you'll get burned. I know what I want in a man. I will also know, within the first two weeks, whether or not the man I'm with will be able to provide that. I don't lead people on, and I don't hold back.

So...yeah...aversion to relationships: I like my own space. I don't like answering to anyone. However, I am a control-freak, so I want people to answer to me...which is a problem, and one of the main reasons I have boycotted companionship this year. I need to fix that. I've been heartbroken, and it's left me jaded and generally wary of mens' intent. But I still love like I won't wake up tomorrow. *sigh* I get the feeling I'm rambling and repeating myself, now, so I'll sign off.

Thanks for reading.