I was asked a question, recently, that I had a hard time answering: Are you religious? ... ... Uhh ... ...
If they had asked me if I believe in God, I would have said no. That's an easy question to answer, but am I religious? I honestly don't know how to answer that.
I was raised by Christian parents. I practiced Wicca in high school. I've been to church a hand full of times. I've read the Bible (Old and New Testament), the Koran, the Torah, and other religious texts. I've gotten a mild grip on most of the world's religions. I don't believe that there is a One God, to rule us all. I don't believe that one "being" could handle that much power, without becoming corrupt.
My parents never pushed religion down my throat. They had their own beliefs, they taught me about Jesus and why they were faithful, but they never said, "This is the only way you'll go to Heaven". They never told me that I had to go to church, but when I asked to go, they allowed it. I was able to find my own path, and I'm eternally grateful for that. In fact, although they called themselves Christian, they pretty much loathed Christians, as a whole. I remember my dad breaking the preacher's nose because he told me I was going to hell. I was 9-years-old, and terrified when I came home from Bible study. Dad was pissed. The church didn't allow me back in the door after that.
That was probably the first time I started to question the "truth" of the bible. Why, if Christianity is all about forgiveness, was I banned from going back? My dad said, simply, "That's just how some folks are." So, while my friends were going to Sunday School, I was learning about cars with my dad. We called it Bible study, though, just for a giggle. I miss my dad.
My parents were very religiously accepting. Most people know about Missionaries and slam the door in their faces, when they come knocking. My mom invited them inside, gave them a glass of sweet tea, or hot cocoa, and listened. She didn't kick them out, or make them feel worthless, she accepted them as if they were family. Then, she politely told them that, while their beliefs work for them, she didn't agree with them. She had been so nice to them, that very few every pushed. The just left, peacefully and smiling.
I guess that's kind of where I sit, in the religion debate. I don't think anybody is right or wrong. Everybody has something that works for them. If a book keeps a man from killing his wife, then so-be-it. If prayer makes a woman feel safe after being raped, then there truly is Power in Prayer. Do I believe that there is a man in the Cosmos, who makes everything better, who helps the needy and faithful, and damns those who don't believe in him? No. The God I learned about, when I was a child, isn't that petty, nor are the gods I've learned about since then.
I accept religion, as a whole. When I want something to happen, I'll conjure a Pagan "spell", say a chant, or pray. Some people have told me that I'm going to hell; I just smile and say, "I'll save you a seat". I don't like people who shove their beliefs onto other people. I don't appreciate churches who teach children to fear their deity, or they'll be burned for eternity. It seems that most churches focus on Fear instead of Respect. They're going about that all wrong, in my opinion.
Religion fascinates me. Everybody, from the Roman Empire, to the Celtic Druids, to the Ancient Egyptians, has had a god, or group of gods and goddesses, to pray to. The deities may have changed, the prayers might be different, but human nature hasn't. It's almost as if we need to think that someone, or some thing, has our back. When we've hit rock bottom, it's more comforting to think "God still loves me" rather than "I'm completely alone". I can accept that.
I'm not an Atheist. I don't get a kick out of discrediting the Bible, or any other texts. I accept that they believe. I accept that their beliefs help them in ways that I can't understand. I don't pout and throw a fit, like a toddler, when somebody says, "God loves you!" ... "Nuh-uh! He's not real!" ... That's just not me. Who am I to belittle someone's source of comfort and happiness? What gives me the right to tell anyone that they're wrong and I'm right? Most Atheists are hypocrites, just as most Christians, Catholics, Baptists, etc., are when they teach about forgiveness, yet don't forgive a little girl's father after he knocks their leader out.
What can I say? I believe that religion has it's place. I don't think that God is as "My way, or eternal damnation for you!" as most make him out to be. Honestly...if he's the all-knowing, all-doing, been-alive-forever, controls-all-the-things guy, don't you think he's moved beyond the petty bullshit, by now? ...
Am I religious? ...Meh, I guess so...
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