Friday, June 6, 2014


God, seriously...where do I start?

The most irritating thing to me is when a Fandom starts acting like their way of experiencing what they like is the only way. This happens a lot in the novel-to-movie, or comic book-to-movie genre. It's disgusting, and irritating, and I can't stand people who act superior to anybody, especially those who like the same things that they like.

There was a time, in our childhood, that we would see somebody with a tshirt, or lunchbox, of our fandom and suddenly be best friends with them. Now, it's all questions and useless trivia and hate.

"Have you even read  the book?"

Well, no, but-

"Then you're not a real fan!"

Um...I kinda am, actually. I love-

"How can you say that you love it, when you know nothing about it?"

Because I know myself...? Why are you such a snob?

"I'm not a snob! I'm a REAL FAN!"


And, on it goes...

It's un-fucking-believable that there are people in any fandom that act like that, but they're everywhere. Along with the "Quizzers" are the "Spoilers". I have carry an avid hatred for people who try to ruin somebody's fun. These are the Game of Thrones people, the Divergent people, the ones who purposely post on social media about major plot points, and spoil the ending.

What's the point of that? Do you feel superior, now that you've ruined somebody's chance of enjoying the same fucking thing that you enjoy?

Does it make you feel tough, or smart?

Fuck. Off.

I read the Lord of the Rings series, and The Hobbit, when I was in middle school. When the LotR movies came out, I didn't spoil anything. I watched the movies, and my friends' reactions to the things I knew were about to happen. It's an amazing thing, watching somebody experience something for the first time. It's like experiencing it, for yourself, as a newbie.

Same thing with Harry Potter.

Same with Eragon.

And Hulk.

And Batman.

Yet, there are these bratty children out there, now, who spoil the fun of everything that comes out.

I've never read Divergent. And, now, I'm not going to bother watching the movie, because I know how it ends. The franchise lost a potential fan, because of other fans.

Mind-blowing. And idiotic. And fucking childish.

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