I'm up late, and as is usual, I am browsing Facebook, just droning away the time.
Yesterday, I wrote about what women are expected to be like, according to men...Today, I'm going to flip it.
Women are just as bad as men when it comes to stereotyping. I'm guilty of it, and most of my friends are also guilty of it.
Men are supposed to be sex machines. They're supposed to know about cars, and be good at First Person Shooter video games. They're supposed to hairy, and strong, and emotionless. Men are good at fixing things, and breaking them. They have short tempers, and they're generally just assholes.
Men don't fall in love. They fall in "need"...or lust. Men cannot put aside their need for sex, to think rationally about their lives. After all, they only have enough blood to run one head at a time, right?
I came across the following writing, and it made me stop and think...hopefully it does the same for you:
""I once met a girl who made me believe in true love.
She was what I always dreamed about, what I never thought I’d actually have. She made me smile like never before, and gave me hope amidst all of my troubles.
Nothing else mattered but her hand in mine through it all.
Nothing else mattered.
I was in love, and it was the best feeling ever.
So I ignored the signs.
I ignored her increasing disinterest in what I had to say.
I ignored her irritability towards my flaws.
I ignored her lack of gratitude for all that I did for her.
I ignored everything that told me she wasn’t perfect.
Everything that told me this love I felt wasn’t real.
Then the day came when I could no longer lie to myself.
The truth slapped me in the face like no physical pain ever could.
I was crying on her porch, locked up in the fetal position.
She just stood over me, asking me to please stop.
I couldn’t just stop.
She was everything to me, and I was about to lose her forever.
I begged her to stay, I promised to be better.
But her mind was made up.
She had already moved on.
It’s been about five months since the day she broke up with me.
I used to think that it was her that I missed so deeply.
I have now come to realize that is not the truth.
What I miss is how I felt when I was with her.
How it feels to know someone will always be there for me.
How it feels to give every bit of my heart to someone unconditionally.
How it feels to have such blind faith in another human being.
How it feels to be in love.
I’m afraid now.
I’m afraid that how I felt with her won’t happen again.
I’m afraid that next time I won’t be so naive.
I’m afraid that a part of my heart is gone forever.
My only relief is in the hope that maybe one day someone will come along and prove me wrong.
Someone who removes all of my fears and doubts.
Someone who restores my heart’s innocence.
Someone who makes me feel whole again.
I can only hope."
By Robert Hemphill.
See, ladies?
Men love as much as we do, if not more.
Men have hearts, just the same as ours.
So what if he can't change the oil in the car? So what if he would rather read than watch sports?
Does he treat you right? Does he make you feel better when you're down? Does he do nice little things for you, just because he wants to see you smile?
Think it over, before you drop him for not fitting your preconceived notion of what men "should" be...
Let him be the man that he is.
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